Last week, WordPress rolled out its latest updates in WordPress 4.6 “Pepper,” named for Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III. With some nice new features and couple upgrades, we’ll let you know what to expect.
The New Stuff:
1. Improvements in updating: Stay on the same page as you update or install plugins and themes. This allows for a faster experience.
2. Check for Broken Links: Pepper will automatically check all embedded links as you write to ensure you’re not posting any broken links. No more linking to 404, thank you.
3. Native fonts: WordPress admin pages originally used the Open Sans from Google Fonts. Now it’ll automatically use your computer’s native fonts on your dashboard, allowing your dashboard to load faster.
4. Editor backups: The editor saves as you type. Any changes at all are backed up more frequently,which makes it easier to recover.
Check the WordPress Blog for all the information related to WordPress 4.6.
Jumbo WP Takes Care of You
With our secure and automatic WordPress upgrading system, we do the dirty work for our customers so you can focus on what’s important to you. By the end of August we will start the update. If you would like more time and want the date of the update deferred, contact us.
Protect Your Site
When Jumbo WP begins the upgrade of your site, we create immediate backups, so we ensure you won’t lose any of your data during the upgrade to 4.6. Once it’s finished, we test your site and ensure that it is loading correctly.